Braindance Books believes...

...that crafting excellent work is at the heart of any successful career in publishing. But so, too, is selling and marketing stories with the right expertise to help readers discover them in a competitive marketplace.

We collaborate with authors to help them write their best work and sell it, enabling that switch to seeing books as products once the writing is finished.

Our commitment to fair revenue sharing and close author relationships lies at the heart of everything we do.

Working to find opportunities for your stories to be translated into different languages, and to develop them in other mediums such as film and television, theatre and radio.

Working with Braindance Books means...

Editorial Guidance

Collaborating with authors to help them develop their stories to become the best they can be, and improve their craft to sustain writing careers for the long-term.

Book Design

Working with the best cover designers to create striking work that helps your stories stand out against the competition.

Marketing and Publicity

We get behind your work because we believe in it. Our bespoke marketing approach includes:

Author Platform

Helping you to manage your digital real estate, from collaborating on your author website to amplifying your social media profile.

Releasing every book globally in all formats: ebook, audiobook and print on demand paperback.


Royalty Rates

A competitive 50:50 split of net revenue to our authors on ebooks, print books and audiobooks.

Developing IP

  • Supporting every book with paid advertising and digital media campaigns

  • Working with reviewers and promotional book sites

  • Building email lists and creating strong relationships with communities of readers